Home MOBAHeroes of the Storm Heroes of the Storm: New Tassadar Builds

Heroes of the Storm: New Tassadar Builds

by Laura
Tassader after rework

The Dark Nexus II has brought a major Tassadar rework, and what was once a support hero with amazing utility, is now a ranged assassin who can unleash some devastating damage. Tassadar’s Q, which was once a shield, has been replaced with Shock Ray, a high damage beam in a line with a 2 second cast. His E, once an excellent ability to escape, is now Force Wall (which used to be one of his ultimates). With the rework, many new Tassadar talents were added (and many were removed, of course). In this article I present three new Tassadar talent builds for after the rework: a Shock Ray build, a Psionic Storm build and a Basic Attack build.

Shock Ray Build

Tassadar’s Q-build is centered around his new Q ability, Shock Ray. This build has the highest damage output of the three, but comes at the cost of having to stand relatively close to your enemies. Shock Ray has a 2 second cast and limited range, so be careful! If you manage to position yourself safely, you can unleash massive amount of damage on the enemy team.

Shock Ray Build Talent Picks:

Level 1: Static Charge [1]

Level 4: Plasma Shield [3] (for survivability) or Induction [1] (if you need movement speed, for example against dive teams)

Level 7: Beam Alignment [1]

Level 10: Archon [1] (generally does more damage) or Black Hole [2] (against teams with lots of melee and/or tanks)

Level 13: Oracle [3] (most of the time, especially good against mages) or Feedback [1] (if the enemy team has no dive) or Shadow Walk [2] (niche pick, only good against dive heroes with basic attacks, such as Butcher or Tracer)

Level 16: Thermal Lance [1]

Level 20: Twilight Archon [1] (if you picked Archon at 10) or Khala’s Gift [4] (if your team benefits from spell power) or Force Barrier [3] (if you want a more defensive option)

Psionic Storm Build

Tassadar’s W-build buffs his Psionic Storm ability. It won’t deal quite as much damage as the Shock Ray build, but it does allow Tassadar to keep a bit more distance from his foes. It also has strong poke capacity. The idea of the Psionic Storm talent build is hitting your enemies with W, then poking them with Shock Ray (Q) as they run out to create another Psionic Storm.

Psionic Storm Build Talent Picks:

Level 1: Psi-Infusion [2]

Level 4: Plasma Shield [3] (for survivability) or Induction [1] (if you need movement speed, for example against dive teams)

Level 7: Psionic Echo [2]

Level 10: Archon [1] (generally does more damage) or Black Hole [2] (against teams with lots of melee and/or tanks)

Level 13: Oracle [3] (most of the time, especially good against mages) or Feedback [1] (if the enemy team has no dive) or Shadow Walk [2] (niche pick, only good against dive heroes with basic attacks, such as Butcher or Tracer)

Level 16: Executor’s Will [3] (usually the best option) or Thermal Lance [1] (if the enemy team has high-health heroes)

Level 20: Twilight Archon [1] (if you picked Archon at 10) or Khala’s Gift [4] (if your team benefits from spell power) or Force Barrier [3] (if you want a more defensive option)

Basic Attack Build

Tassadar’s Auto Attack build is not as strong as the other 2 builds, mainly because his Basic Attack damage is quite low. However, a basic attack build might be the way to go if you face against a team with lots of spell armor (think Anub’arak or Brightwing) – or if you just find it fun to laserbeam opponents to death!

Auto Attack Build Talent Picks:

Level 1: Khaydarin Amulet [1]

Level 4: Plasma Shield [3] (for survivability) or Induction [1] (if you need movement speed, for example against dive teams)

Level 7: Arc Discharge [3]

Level 10: Archon [1]

Level 13: Feedback [1] (if the enemy team has no dive) or Oracle [3] (good against mages) or Shadow Walk [2] (niche pick, only good against dive heroes with basic attacks, such as Butcher or Tracer)

Level 16: Executor’s Will [3] (best to keep Archon going) or Thermal Lance [1] (if the enemy team has high-health heroes)

Level 20: Twilight Archon [1] or Khala’s Gift [4] (if your team benefits from spell power) or Force Barrier [3] (if you want a more defensive option)

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