Home RPG Explore Revendreth: All Coordinates and Map

Explore Revendreth: All Coordinates and Map

by Laura
Explore Revendreth Map Coordinates

All map locations in Revendreth. Can be used as a guide for the achievement Explore Revendreth, part of the meta achievement Revendreth Resolved. Have fun!

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Explore Revendreth Map

Explore Revendreth Map Coordinates

Map Legend

1 /way 72.9 65.8 Caretaker’s Manor Location
2 /way 61.25 74.3 Witherfall Ruin Location
3 /way 65.95 32.4 Catacombs of Regret Location
4 /way 51.1 78.4 The Night Market Location
5 /way 46.6 59.5 Stalker’s Lodge Location
6 /way 55.1 36.3 Redelav District Location
7 /way 29.2 50 Ember Ward Location
8 /way 45.2 45.6 Court of the Harvesters Location
9 /way 21.6 55.15 The Shrouded Asylum Location
10 /way 75.25 37.4 Archivam Location
11 /way 67 58.8 The Endmire Location
12 /way 63.2 38.5 Old Gate Location
13 /way 43 71.35 The Banewood Location
14 /way 49.3 50.6 Chalice District Location
15 /way 40.95 80.2 Dredhollow Location
16 /way 45.85 50.85 Darkwall Tower Location
17 /way 44.15 31.15 Dominance Gate Location
18 /way 38.7 28.3 Dominance Keep Location

Explore Revendreth Coordinates

Tip: with the ‘Paste’ Addon you can paste all these coordinates at once.

/way 72.9 65.8 Caretaker’s Manor
/way 61.25 74.3 Witherfall Ruin
/way 65.95 32.4 Catacombs of Regret
/way 51.1 78.4 The Night Market
/way 46.6 59.5 Stalker’s Lodge
/way 55.1 36.3 Redelav District
/way 29.2 50 Ember Ward
/way 45.2 45.6 Court of the Harvesters
/way 21.6 55.15 The Shrouded Asylum
/way 75.25 37.4 Archivam
/way 67 58.8 The Endmire
/way 63.2 38.5 Old Gate
/way 43 71.35 The Banewood
/way 49.3 50.6 Chalice District
/way 40.95 80.2 Dredhollow
/way 45.85 50.85 Darkwall Tower
/way 44.15 31.15 Dominance Gate
/way 38.7 28.3 Dominance Keep

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